
P.O. Box 2260, Kroonstad 9500

36 Reitz Street, Kroonstad, 9499

Tel: (056) 215 2231

Fax: (056) 213 4886


NBCEI 17516

PSIRA Reg #087 2043


HYYP Home Demo

Meranti, Garagedoor, Crime, Corcomm’s supremacy in Kroonstads security market speaks volumes about the effectiveness of its Armed Response Units. The highly trained teams assist with specialised response techniques to panic and alarm activations, burglaries, strikes or any other emergency situation. Advanced Skills and Training - Recruits selected for this demanding unit are required to enhance their existing security skills with advanced training. Registered and Compliant -

Meranti, Garagedoor, Crime, All armed response officers are registered with the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA), and have successfully completed the statutory firearm competency requirements. They all attend regular firearm, physical training and house penetration courses, which maintains Corcomm's constantly high level of security personnel. Vehicles - All vehicles have on-board vehicle management systems, which allow the monitoring of the

Meranti, Garagedoor, Crime, vehicles and the response times. The vehicles are tracked via GPS Tracking Units linked to the Fidelity National Command Centre. This allows the controllers to dispatch the nearest appropriate unit to respond to the situation.